• ALWAYS BE ON YOUR SIDE JUNGBU ESCHEM Jungbu Eschem aims for People and Nature and we always offer the best products and service for the brighter future.
  • ALWAYS BE ON YOUR SIDE JUNGBU ESCHEM Jungbu Eschem aims for People and Nature and we always offer the best products and service for the brighter future.
  • ALWAYS BE ON YOUR SIDE JUNGBU ESCHEM Jungbu Eschem aims for People and Nature and we always offer the best products and service for the brighter future.
MobileAutomotiveHousehold AppliancesCosmeticsAdhesivesWoodworksMetallicConstructional
Automotive Paints
Category Product Name Application(Material) Paint Type Characteristics
PRIMER PRILUX #100 ABS, PC/ABS 2K Urethane Anti-Erosion and Material Failure COVER
PRILUX #300 ABS, PC/ABS, PC 2K Urethane Black High Glossy Basecoat / Laser Etchable
PRILUX #500 PPF, PA, TPO 1K Lacquer Material Adhesion
PRILUX #550 PPF, PA 2K Urethane Material Adhesion
PRILUX #700 PC 2K Urethane Laser Etching Shielding Black / Black High Glossy Basecoat
PRILUX #900 SUS 2K Urethane Material Adhesion
PLATLUX #100 Cr Plating 1K Lacquer Cr3+, Cr6+ Plating Material Adhesion
HI-MIRROR COAT series - 1K Baking Al Wheel Vacuum-Metalizing Basecoat Primer
UVILUX PRIMER series ABS, PC/ABS, PC UV Vacuum-Metalizing Basecoat UV
BASE COLOR DECOLUX #200 ABS, PC/ABS 2K Urethane General Matte Solid Color
DECOLUX #400 ABS, PC/ABS 2K Urethane Exterior Matte Black
SILVERLUX #100 ABS, PC/ABS 2K Urethane General Metallic
SILVERLUX #500 ABS, PC/ABS 2K Urethane High Luminance Metallic
MIRRORLUX #100 ABS, PC/ABS 2K Urethane Chrome Effect Basecoat
PLATLUX #300 Cr Plating 2K Urethane Cr3+, Cr6+ Plating Material Primerless Type Matte Black
BAKELUX #200 Al, Mg 1K Baking Material Adhesion / Sprayed Saline Water Resistance
COLORLUX series - 1K Lacquer&Colorant Midcoat Color Primer for Vacuum-Metalizing and Sole colorant TYPE
CLEAR CLILUX #100 - 2K Urethane Black High Glossy Topcoat / Laser Etchable
CLILUX #150 - 2K Urethane Black High Glossy Topcoat
CLILUX #300 - 2K Urethane Chrome Effect Topcoat
CLILUX #350 - 2K Urethane Transparent Topcoat for Interior Materials
CLILUX #400 PC 2K Urethane Transparent PC Material One-Coat
UVILUX TOP series Above Vacuum-Metalized AL, SUS, Cr UV Vacuum-Metalizing Topcoat UV